Hen Harrier Needs Your Support

by | Jul 16, 2024 | We Are The Ark

Photo: Mike Brown

As an avid supporter of wildlife preservation, I’m happy to share Birdwatch Ireland’s campaign to bring attention to the dwindling numbers of the Hen Harrier in Ireland. Please take a look at Birdwatch Ireland’s article below that brings attention to the plight of the iconic bird of prey and please consider making a donation:

Photo: Mike Brown

The captivating skydance of the Hen Harrier has been woven into the fabric of our uplands for generations, awakening a sense of awe and wonder in all lucky enough to witness it. Unfortunately, the disappearance of the Hen Harrier is happening before our eyes. The results of the 2022 National Hen Harrier Survey show that time has almost run out for these iconic birds of prey in Ireland, and that the species is now faring even worse than the Curlew and the Corncrake – species often held up as prime examples of biodiversity loss in Ireland. Since the last national survey, the Hen Harrier has declined by one-third in just seven years, with only 85-106 breeding pairs believed to remain in the country. Without strong and swift intervention, the Hen Harrier faces the very real prospect of extinction in Ireland in just 25 years, its skydance and chattering call no longer gracing our uplands. However, there is hope. As the Hen Harrier is one of our best-studied birds, we know what we need to do to save it.


We know that we need a strong and fit-for-purpose national plan to save the Hen Harrier and the other species that depend on the same habitats. To date, BirdWatch Ireland staff have invested over 230 hours in fighting for a more robust Hen Harrier Threat Response Plan that will save the species. However, this work is only just beginning. As we move to the implementation phase of the plan, we need to focus our energies on ensuring a fit-for-purpose plan that actually delivers benefits for Hen Harriers and the upland landscapes on which they depend. BirdWatch Ireland will advocate for a strong Hen Harrier Threat Response Plan and call for the most ambitious actions to save this species, as well as monitor the implementation of the plan. In parallel to this, we will advocate for and continue to undertake Hen Harrier surveying and monitoring work so that we can build on our knowledge of this species and inform targeted conservation measures. To do all of this, we need your help. That is why we are counting on you to donate to our Hen Harrier Appeal.

Donate to the BirdWatch Ireland Hen Harrier Appeal here

Photo: Richard T. Mills


Advocate for a robust Hen Harrier Threat Response Plan which delivers for Hen Harrier Conservation and review its implementation on an ongoing basis to ensure it is delivering for Hen Harrier populations. Purchase specialised monitoring equipment to allow us to expand our surveying and monitoring work to understudied areas outside of the SPA network, where over half of the breeding Hen Harrier population nests. Advocate for appropriate measures to retain winter stubbles and important foraging habitats for Hen Harriers. Develop efficient and accurate Hen Harrier survey and monitoring methods to allow nest location and monitoring in a non-invasive way. Review afforestation policies and advocate for improved afforestation and forest management planning to reduce the negative effects to Hen Harriers associated with habitat loss and disturbances. Create and deliver informative Hen Harrier communications materials for the public which serve to inform and inspire action. We are extremely grateful for any support you can give us, and we look forward to providing full updates on what we have achieved using your donation on a regular basis. Yours Sincerely, The BirdWatch Ireland team.”

*All images in this article are copyright of Birdwatch Ireland.

Feature Image: Shay Connolly

Photographs: Mike Brown,  Shay Connolly, John Lusby and Richard T. Mills