These daffodils were planted in October 2023 and have done extremely well despite the snow and minus zero temperatures.

The leaves were left on the ground and they act as compost for the bulbs. They also provide a favourite feeding place for Blackbirds, Jays and Robins who turn over the leaves and eat the small grubs attached to the underside of the leaf..

These Irish daffodils have already begun naturalising. This clump has grown from only three bulbs.

I put up some more nesting boxes this year and attached them to the older trees on the property. The boxes will help prevent the crows and Magpies from raiding the smaller birds nests.

I’m waiting to see if there are any takers!

I’m creating hedgerows by making a fence from dead branches and then (once they arrive) I’ll plant a mixture of bare-root native hedgerow mix to Create a living hedgerow. The Ivy and honeysuckle which grow here naturally will also help keep things together. The hedgerows will also offer privacy from my neighbour.

The branches have been woven in between some young Holly trees and woven together they are just the first step in creating a hedgerow.
That’s it for now. I hope you enjoy this beautiful time of year as much as I do.