Call to End Cruel Blood Sports in Ireland

by | Aug 30, 2024 | We Are The Ark

Blood sports, where animals are pitted against one another in violent confrontation, are a cruel practice that has no place in a compassionate society. As an individual who cares deeply about our wildlife and opposes any form of animal cruelty, it’s upsetting to see these type of activities still going on in Ireland today.

It’s good to see that The National Parks and Wildlife Services are offering the public an opportunity to help them update their inadequate wildlife protection.

“The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has opened a public consultation on review and the updating of wildlife legislation. I hope that anyone concerned with the atrocious cruelty to wildlife that shames our culture will make their views known by the closing date of September 13.

And I pray that that this process will lead to a drastic overhaul of wildlife laws because currently these fail to protect our treasured fauna.

The Irish Hare, supposedly “protected” under the Wildlife Act, can be captured, held in unnatural captivity, and then forced to run from dogs. Thousands of them are netted each year for coursing despite the fact that this native mammal (the Irish Hare is a sub-species of the Mountain Hare that is unique to Ireland) has been in decline for the past half century due to habitat loss.

The fox lacks even the “protective” fig-leaf accorded to the hare. It can be killed all year round…by lampers, mounted hunts, and snaring. This wonderful wild dog of the countryside is hounded by people whose idea of fun is ending the humble life of an animal whose nervous system is similar to that of any domestic dog.

The badger’s “protected” status, like that of the hare, counts for little, given its role as a handy scapegoat for the State’s failure to eradicate Bovine TB. Since 1984, more than 120,000 of the shy nocturnal creatures have been snared and shot.

Then there are the birds officially “protected” but still being shot for sport. These include red-listed Snipe, Golden Plover, Shoveler, Red Grouse and Woodcock and amber-listed Mallard and Graylag Goose.

These birds should be removed as a matter of urgency from the Open Seasons Order that allows gunmen to shoot them.

I hope people will avail of this opportunity to demand the end of practices that make a mockery of “wildlife protection” and that the government will then implement the will of the people.”

This letter written by John Fitzgerald first appeared in the Irish Daily Mail, August 26th 2024

For those who wish to get involved please send a submission to the NPWS [email protected] before Sept.13th 2024.

Sign the Petition Here

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